Sunday, March 21, 2010

Boston or bust

It's been a bit since I've blogged since I've been too busy training, trying to deal with injuries, doing yoga, trigger point, graston, stretchin and anything to get my body to cooperate with long distance running.

I'm Boston bound for the Boston Marathon on April 19th but my body wants to revolt when I run anything longer than two hours... oh the joy. First it was the left knee, then the right knee and hamstring and now the left hip... I have been stretching, enduring painful trigger point work, bruising up, icing and everything and I think I may just be able to shuffle through the 26 miles but it will be a test... It's March 21st and my longest run has been 16 miles. I'm going to try an 18 miler next weekend, thumbs or toes crossed!

I also did a 5k today to see if I still had any speed. It was a hilly roller coaster of a race in Benicia, CA. Pretty course and my hip didn't hurt too bad. Perhaps it means I'm on the recovery road?

Boston or bust, I'll keep you posted.